I offer individual supervision sessions for coaches as part of their ongoing professional development – a safe space to review their coaching experiences and engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the benefit of both the coach and their clients.
Supervision sessions are designed to:
- Facilitate Development – Enabling the coach to improve the standard of their practice through a process of facilitated reflection
- Promote Professional Standards – Supporting the coach to adhere to industry standards, comply with an ethical code and demonstrate their commitment to continuing professional development.
- Provide Support – encouraging the coach to prioritise their own wellbeing, building their confidence, supporting them to find the most suitable way to proceed in relation to difficult cases, and assisting the to manage their workload, if required.
- Raise Awareness of the different relationships that exist in the supervision process – intrapersonal, interpersonal, systemic
Supervision for Mental Health First Aiders is recommended as part of their ongoing self care programme, to ensure they are in the best emotional state possible to manage this challenging and rewarding role.
Face to face or skype sessions available. Please give me a call to discuss your supervision needs.